The Weingarten Lab @SDSU uses hydrogeologic, geophysical and geomechanical data to build computational models of the interaction between fluids and faults in the subsurface. Our specific emphasis aims to understand how fluid-fault interaction is involved in a variety of geologic problems -- including geohazards such as natural and induced seismicity.
Research Topics:
Induced SeismicityWe investigate the physics of injection-induced seismicity using computational models. Typically these studies involve hydrogeologic, geomechanical and seismic data. One goal of our lab is to develop tools to better mitigate injection-induced seismicity.
Fluid-Fault InteractionOur group studies fluid-fault interaction from the fault damage zone to the regional-scale. These studies involve the use of hydrogeologic, seismic and structural geologic data.(see Hill et al., 2023; Hung & Weingarten, 2023) |
Groundwater ResourcesWith ever-varying quantities of surface water, groundwater resources are an even more vital part of a sustainable water future. My group has worked on several projects under this research topic in California's Central Valley. (see Ryne Adams, Logan Platt, and Emily Imperato's work) |